new hope


Heavy Ion Therapy: The Pinnacle of Cancer Treatment

Heavy Ion Therapy stands as the most advanced cancer treatment method available today, offering several key advantages:

Applicability to a Wide Range of Cancers

Heavy Ion Therapy makes it possible to treat cancer types that have been difficult to address with traditional methods such as surgery or radiation therapy. Ongoing research continues to expand the types of cancers that can be treated with this method, and the range of treatable cancers is expected to grow continuously.

Significantly Reduced Side Effects

Heavy ion beams exhibit a characteristic known as the "Bragg Peak," where the radiation dose is low at the body’s surface but maximized within the cancerous tissue inside the body. By adjusting the energy using an accelerator, the particles can be made to stop precisely at the cancer cells, sparing normal cells and significantly reducing side effects.

Shorter Treatment Duration with High Patient Convenience

Unlike conventional radiation therapy, which typically requires around 25 sessions and takes about a month to complete, Heavy Ion Therapy usually involves an average of 12 sessions. This significantly enhances patient convenience. Furthermore, with the elderly population (65 years and older) expected to more than double by 2030 (making up over 25% of the total population), Heavy Ion Therapy is anticipated to be increasingly utilized as a preferable alternative to surgery due to its shorter and more convenient treatment duration for elderly cancer patients.