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The most advanced cancer treatment

Diagnosed with stage-3 LIVER cancer

A 73-year-old female began receiving heavy particle therapy on the same day. Lee's treatment, consisting of four radiations, will be completed in one week.

Diagnosed with stage-3 PANCREATIC cancer

A 47-year-old male received 12-session treatment conducted four times a week for three weeks.

Diagnosed with stage-2 PROSTATE cancer

A 73-year-old female began receiving heavy particle therapy on the same day. Lee's treatment, consisting of four radiations, will be completed in one week.

The five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer

is only around 10 percent. However, a study by the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) in Japan found that for patients with advanced, inoperable pancreatic cancer, the combination of chemotherapy and heavy particle therapy improved the two-year local tumor control rate by up to 80 percent. The local tumor control rate is the probability that cancer will not return in the treated area and is a key indicator of treatment performance for heavy particle therapy, which targets a specific site. The two-year survival rate of 56 percent after heavy particle therapy has been reported, Yonsei Cancer Center said.

Liver cancer is difficult to treat with radiation

It is often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to late detection with the lack of nerve cells, and there is a high risk of hepatotoxicity from radiation due to decreased liver function stemming from cirrhosis. Heavy particle therapy uses high-dose radiation to cancer cells while avoiding normal cells, which can reduce adverse reactions and increase treatment effectiveness.

At Gunma University Hospital in Japan, patients with liver cancer who received heavy particle therapy had a two-year local tumor control rate of 92.3 percent. In QST's clinical study, the five-year local tumor control rate was 81 percent. For tumors larger than 4 cm, the two-year local tumor control rate was 86.7 percent, and the two-year survival rate was 68.3 percent, which are considered high.